Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I'm Not Psycho

But I think I could be soon! I was sitting here wondering why I have all this pent up emotion, all this anxiety and anger. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks: no hockey.

FUCKIN' NHL!! Fuckin' players! Fuckin' teams! Fuckin' owners!! FUCK! FUCK!FUCK!!!!!!

If I go crazy and go on some sort of psychotic binge, I am so blaming it all on the god damned CBA!! And I am close people, very close. I need to see a good game, a good fight, a good goal. I am so desperate at this point that I would even go see the Mighty Sucks (Ooops, I mean Ducks) play!

I need to eat crappy hot dogs, drink massive amounts of beer and cuss out some players! I need to whoop and holler and high-five random strangers. I need to yell "Frasier Sucks!" at the top of my lungs. I need to stand for three periods straight and throw the remote at the TV at a bad call. I need to wear my lucky shirt for three weeks straight without washing it.

I need to exert my energy on being a fan.

Excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep on my "giant pilla".


Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Heed! Pants! Now!

10:57 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:57 PM  
Blogger cat said...

Mel I think my boyfriend might be in love with you. You're cute, funny and now you like hockey.

You know, it's really hard to compete with all that. :P

Oh, well, Ian, you free the 2nd of July in case Shawn runs off with Mel? I need to marry someone! I'll have this totally awsome dress and a bag piper - I need something!

4:55 AM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

I feel for you Mel. I remember the 1994 Baseball strike vividly. Every time there are negotiations on a new contract now, I get worried. And the whole reasoning behind the Hockey strike is stupid. Greed kills.

If it helps, we could all pretend we're different hockey teams and trade screams and insults over the internet. Maybe that would release some of the frustration for you.

I didn't realize Hockey fans were so superstitous. I have a 'lucky Yankee shirt' I wear for long periods of time, too.

5:12 AM  
Blogger grace said...

whoa. i'm not so into sports... hehehe...

but, i know that feeling. except i get like that at concerts. and i'm not cursing at anyone. unless it's, "hell yeah! i fucking love this song!" :P

7:26 AM  
Blogger Oddgirl said...

You could yell insults at Michael for a while, I'm o.k. with that. I feel the same way about baseball. If I'm not yelling, I'm gesturing.

I havn't been to many hockey games. When I do attend I get out of control. I can't imagine what would happen if I were to trade in baseball for hockey. The truth is I don't think I could handle it.

Sorry there is no season. I hope everything is resolved soon.

8:15 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

(Head droops, sighs, tries not to cry) I'm always the back-up. Nobody ever just wants *me*...

11:13 AM  
Blogger Quyen said...

Wow... I never get like that about anything... except maybe food :)

4:31 PM  
Blogger Benjamin said...

I'm not very into sports... but oh my, how I love violence.

Head asplode!


Yayyy! See? I could totally get into hockey.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

"mmmm, she's hot and she loves hockey. I woman after my own heart. I'd love to touch your kitty lips."

Is this an attempt to woo you, Mel?

11:15 AM  
Blogger grace said...

what's an "I woman?" :P

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:52 PM  
Blogger JK said...

First off, I'm Canadian. Second, I'm a hockey nut. My favorite team is the Edmonton Oilers.

Female, American, living in California, and you are a hockey nut, that is impressive. I never thought I would see the day that all those qualities would be wrapped into one person.

Mel, you tell them, you tell the world.

1:46 PM  
Blogger grace said...

mel gets freaky ass people commenting on her blog... freaky ass illiterate people... :P

1:58 PM  
Blogger cat said...

Wow. Mel has some swanky admirers. I'm jealous. I'll be you're swept off your feet by their chivalry, aren't you, Mel?

2:26 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

First of all, CL, I am soooo stoked you got my obscure "So I Married an Axe Murderer" reference! Hee!

And then Cat posts about bag pipers and all I can think about is "We have a piper down! I repeat, we have a piper down!" Cat, if I was coming to your wedding, I would so yell that out at some point. Hmm...maybe that is why I don't get invited anywhere...

As for you, Mr. Anonymous. Can I just say "ewww". Seriously, I guess I should be flattered that someone finds me attractive. But I do think your comments are just crude. Now, don't get me wrong, I can be crude with the rest of them. However, it just doesn't seem appropriate as it usually has nothing to do with my post. You could at least put who you are!

Anyway, I thank you for refraining from posting the graphic comments.

Also, I am glad that a few of you understand about my crazy obsession. It's good to know I'm not alone!

7:26 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Good for you, Mel. Don't let him ruin your site like he seems to want to.

9:10 PM  
Blogger cat said...

Mel, you're so totally invited to my wedding. :) Except that I think Shawn (who thinks you're totally hot - and no, he's not Mr. Anonymous :)) might get distracted as to why he's really there if you're sitting the in audience.

Um. is it called an audience? Onlookers? How the hell do I know, I know nothing about wedding stuff.

We still don't have a place to get married, is that bad? :)

6:50 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

Hey, Cat! What about me - don't I get an invite? I'll sit in the "audience" and be quiet, I promise...

12:51 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

Ian and I can go as dates! YAY! And I promise I will sit in the back and won't say a peep...try not to say a peep...Hee! Although if Ian were there I am sure he would egg me on to say something!

CAT!! Yes, that is bad! You need to find a place asap! If I were in Canada, I would sooooo be planning your wedding for you. Better yet, I'll plan it for you here in CA and just tell you and Shawn and your families where to show up. Okay? Okay!

3:11 PM  
Blogger cat said...

Hey, wait a sec.. how come I can post comments on Mel's blog but not on my own? Hmm. I don't get it.

Ian, of course you're invited. All my blog family is invited.

Mel - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE plan my wedding. I hate doing that stuff. Shawn's no better, he doesn't even want to hear stuff I throw out for suggestions. We're really lazy about stuff like that. We're bad. I have like 7 months, it's more than enough time.

Right? *ponder*

So.. mel, you can do searches for "sugar shacks" or "cabane a sucres" in "montreal area" and get back to me, ok? We want an outdoor wedding, but an indoor reception. It has to allow dogs since our ring bearer and flower girl are dogs. Got it?

Oh.. and cheap. We have no money. :)

5:32 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Oh wow! I get to go on a date with Mel! Coooooool! Hey, Cat - you should get married more often...

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The world without hockey is not a world at all. Am totally feeling you. I'm thankful that I live in an area where there's a lot of junior, college, etc. hockey to keep me occupied.

2:49 PM  
Blogger sic said...

The best thing about the hockey strike is the big fat guy singing 'do you really want to make me cry' in the Molson Canadian commercial.

And all the Canadians know exactly what I'm talking about while everybody else scratches their heads and mutters 'HUH?'

1:13 PM  

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