My brother's name is Brother. It's not really, but that's what I call him, that's what my family calls him and that's what my friends call him, so it is his name. He cracks me up, he is seriously one of the funniest people I know. Brother and I can sit and have burgers and beers and talk and have a great time.
To me, one of the most special things about Brother, is that no matter what, him and I share the same history. He is the only person who has gone through most of the same experiences growing up as I have. He knows my parents quirks, he understands the endless inside jokes, he knows the sadness that I have had.
One of the funniest things I have ever seen was on New Years Eve two years ago. Brother had had a lot to drink. A lot. It was a crazy night. We had a party at our house, but Brother had gone to a couple of bars with our friends. At the first bar, he got into a fight (he was fine, it was more like a tussle). At the second bar, a guy committed suicide outside. Like I said, crazy night. Brother and our friends came back to our house. Our friends were leaving, but were crashing at another friend's house down the street. Brother had to stay at our place because he couldn't drive and no one was driving him home. He kept insisting that he was going home. He was going to walk. We live a good 15-20 minutes (driving) apart. There was no way he was going to walk. I kept trying to put him to bed in the spare bedroom, but he was being stubborn and kept getting up. I figured that I would hide his jacket and scarf so that he couldn't leave. I was standing in the kitchen picking up trash when he walks in. He says he is leaving and out of the corner of my eye, I see he is wearing a coat. I am thinking "how the hell did he find that?!?!" when I look up. He is wearing one of my jackets. It is so small, he can't move his arms. The sleeves are barely past his elbows. He can't zip it up.
I was in the fetal position, I was laughing so hard. I told him he couldn't leave because he was wearing my jacket. He says "I am not!", throws the jacket down, stomps off and passes out. I could've died!
Brother is awesome because he chooses to support me, no matter what I decide, but he doesn't want to get involved. I wish more people could be like that. I once tried to talk about what was going on in my relationship. He pledged his support, but said that he chooses to "concentrate on a brother/sister relationship." Some people might think that is harsh, but to me, it was perfect. Everyone wants to tell me what to do and it was nice to hear from someone who didn't.
I know that I am lucky. A lot of people don't have the kind of brother I have. Granted, he is not perfect, but he always cheers me up.
On a day like today, having a burger and a beer with Brother was just what I needed.
It's really great that you have such a happy relationship with your Brother. My sister and I really do not get along. I tried to sell her when I was younger. :) We can sort of be in each other's company these days but I try not to talk to her much when that happens because she pisses me off.
I am not perfect but I am not quite as self-centered and bossy as she is. I tend to care more about others. Ah, well.
i wish i had a cool brother i could get along with instead of the selfish little schmuck i have...
you're so lucky...
HAHA!! Beyond! You tried to sell her?? Too good! Believe me, we weren't always like this. I HATED him when he was born. I was 3 1/2 and I was the queen of the castle. I tried to kill him. Twice. But he has forgiven me and we have moved on!
CL, That is exactly what he looked like in that jacket. I still sing that song to him! I forget that people will here will get my obscure references to movies!
Grace, he wasn't always like this. He, too, went through his "selfish shmuck" phase...hang in there!
Mel - my sister and I are the same age difference as you and your brother. I never wanted a sister. I was SO happy being an only child. I like my alone time. She always wanted to follow me around. I hated her. Never tried to kill her, but once when she was really sick and in the hospital I hoped she would die and I would be blissfully alone again. Isn't that awful?
We're much closer than that now. We've bonded over the hatred of our parents. Ha!
CL - I don't think I had an actual amount for selling my sister. I was really young. I would have taken jelly beans. Anything. A new barbie. A Power wheels. Anything. I just wanted to get rid of her!
Now she's helping me plan my wedding. Go figure.
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