Nectar of the Gods
You gotta love a wedding where the champagne, it is a flowing! Tee hee...drinking and blogging probably shouldn't go together. Although, I probably shouldn't have driven home, so at this point, what different does it make if I make a post (calm down, people, I'm fine and I didn't break any laws, so spare me the lecture). Anywhoo, the wedding was gorgeous, as was the bride. The food was delicious, the booze was better. And, I got a full on peep show with the sluts at my table. HA!
So, there was one girl there that was TOTALLY loaded. And after she barfed in the bathroom and her boyfriend was trying to get her to make a graceful exit, she let out a HUGE fart!! I almost peed my pants, I was laughing so hard! Especially since she was trying so hard to be "sexy" all night! Karma is a bitch and I heart her!
Ssshhh...I was hoping no one would notice that! Tee hee...apparently I had a spelling problem last night, too...
I swear, I am not an alcoholic!
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