Rain Hits the Southland and Washes Away Common Sense!
What is it with people? IT'S JUST A LITTLE WATER!!! Seriously. I realize the streets are wet and some are a little flooded. But does that mean that you have to take everything you have ever learned about driving and toss it out the window? Apparently. Could you imagine if there was ice or snow on the road? The entire state would shut down and no one would be allowed to leave their homes!
Now, I am not one who usually blames the media for everything, but in this case I kinda have to. Instead of just reporting on the weather and the road conditions, they have to have several reports stationed all over the area telling people how dangerous the roads are! I think it gets people all worked up.
It gets in their heads: "Oh, the roads are wet. That means they are dangerous. There is more chance of me getting in an accident. Oh my, I don't want to drive today. I'll probably die from a horrendous car accident because it is drizzling. But I have to go to work. I'll just have a death grip on my steering wheel at 10 and 2. And I will NOT drive above 35. Even on the freeway. Because if I do, I'll crash for sure."
UGH! You are going to crash! Because I am going to slam into the back of you out of pure frustration! It took me over an hour to get to work today. Now that would be understandable had there been an accident or a light out or something of the sort. But no, that wasn't the case. It took me so long because SoCal drivers are afraid to drive in anything but sunshine (don't even get me started on fog!).
Right now, I'm a little ashamed to be here. Southern Californians react to rain like spoiled kids. There are complaints about a drought and about how dry the land is and oh it needs to rain otherwise there will be ten thousand acres burned in fires. Yay! Rain! Wait, it's been raining for 2 hours! AAAHHH! Stormwatch 2004! Will the rain ever end??? We are going on hour 3 with no sign of let-up. Will Los Angeles be swallowed into the Pacific Ocean???
GAH! I am sooo moving to Colorado!
Mel - chill, babe! You'll give yourself an ulcer...
Mel, I feel your pain.
Ian, you have no idea what rain does to people in Southern California. All of a sudden, normal adults start acting like teenagers driving for the first time. It's ridiculous.
Today I was stuck in the same block for 15 minutes because people somehow forgot how to navigate a four-way stop. It makes you want to kill someone.
Ahhh, rain... Sweet Asian Rain... haha j/k :P The one thing I don't like about rain is hydroplaning... that has to be the scariest shit ever! Oh, and lots of So Cal roads don't have light reflectors. So, you don't know if you're really in a lane at all. :(
i feel your pain. i'm staying AWAY from the freeways today. they're all a bunch of idiots...
GAH! Hate it when you can't tell what lane you are in!! I am so glad you girls have my back! So Nah-Nah Ian!
(Although I can admit I am a little more high-strung than most...hee!)
Ok, I'll sit and be quiet.
I had the opposite experience - I come from a country where it rains 300 days a year. When I moved to Australia I couldn't understand why the car wasn't slipping all over the road...
Don't ever be quiet, Ian. You are too funny!
Rain turns people into driving idiots here too. And we get SNOW. People are more stupid driving in rain than in snow. Not to say that Canadian drivers don't turn into nimrods when winter comes (why should we slow down? We'll still slide on the ice either way. Who cares if we ram into your car and then speed away) GAH!
But there is something about rain that sogs up people's brains and turns them into complete idiots while driving.
This must be a universal problem. When it rains here, people turn into weiner drivers that panic at the slightest provocation, like having to accelerate past 35 mph. The highways back up for miles and you'd think there was an accident or something, but it's just the weiner drivers slowing down the works.
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