Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Soft Sheets and Fluffy Blankets

Ever have one of those days where you just feel the need to stay in bed? I am having one today. But I am not in bed. Sucks.

I woke up this morning at 1am in the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the abdomen (or what I imagine it would feel like to be stabbed). I was crying, out loud, it hurt so bad. I sat up and got out of bed. The plan was to get some pain killers, get some water and grab the heating pad. I barely made it to the bathroom before I blew chunks. :(

At least I was able to get everything else taken care of and get back to bed with no further "incidents". But of course, my sleep was affected. It took me a good hour to go back to sleep. And of course by that time, I kept waking up because I was sure the alarm was going to go off. I called work and told them I would be an hour late. So I did get to stay in bed for an extra hour. It was hard to get out.

The really horrible thing, is that I made myself get out of my cozy bed and come to work because Wednesday is Deli Day in the cafeteria. And on Deli Day they have delish mac and cheese. And I didn't want to miss it.

Those a-holes made baked potatoes instead. I knew I should've stayed in bed!


Blogger Quyen said...

First of all, wow... you went to work just for mac n cheese?? Secondly, that SUCKS that they made potatoes instead... the irony... just when you think there's something about work that makes going worth it, you were wrong...

2:36 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Hey, look on the bright side Mel - with the food you've been eating recently, at least you would only blow mini-chunks!

My advice - no work, go home, snuggle up, hot whiskey, sleep. And dream happy thoughts.

2:57 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

Q - Total rip off! Next time, I am going to call the kitchen before I call in sick and see what they are having for lunch!

Ian - Mini-chunks! HA! You are too silly!!

Since I didn't get Mac and Cheese, I am going to have Shabu Shabu for dinner. I am sure that will settle my stomach. yup!

4:58 PM  
Blogger cat said...

So after blowing chunks all night you felt the need for mac & cheese? Ew. Of course I crave cheeseburgers or something equally bad when I am sick too.

I appreciate the sympathy abdominal pains, but really, it wasn't necessary. You could have just sent me a get well card.

Maybe you had mini-food poisoning?

6:26 PM  
Blogger grace said...

i missed this post :(

hope you're feeling better!

11:15 AM  

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