Friday Giggles...
To offset the Friday pissiness!
Today I received a surprise package from Mrs. Fields! Well, not her personally...anyway, it is a big yellow box with smiley faces and an assortment of yummy baked treats! I helped my friend's step-son get a job, so they sent it to thank me! I was pleasantly surprised, no one ever sends me anything! Anyway, I called over there (they live in St. John) and my friend's husband, Greg, answers. So we chat for a bit. He tells me that when his son was sending the note, he wanted to mention that he knew me. So he says to his dad "Okay, so what is Mel's last name? Mega, right?" Hee hee! How cool is that!?!? The kid actually thought that was my last name! I think I shall have it legally changed!
An email goes out to the hotel everyday with a daily update from each department. So, I am scrolling through, when I get to the Sales Department. Under the heading it says that T&E (2 of the Sales Managers) will be visiting the Convention Bureau to deliver VD cookies. The hell? Ewww! I guess nothing says Happy Friday like a little VD, huh? LOL!!!
awesome. i already have the herpes, can i get the chlamydia? :P
*btw, i don't actually have herpes...*
That is soooo gonna be the new Blogspot rumor!!
"Didja hear? That Grrrrace girl has herpes! I heard she got it when her husband wouldn't shave off his beard..."
He he he....Don't worry Grace, I'll fight for your honor!!
i'm having problems... all i wanna do is leave comments...
thanks, mel!!! and that totally would be the reason for me getting some sort of disease. stupid beard thing.
Grace! I can't post comments on your Blog! WTF? Did you lock me out? Heehee...
Are you even working today? Or are you just dicking around, like me. Cuz I noticed that everytime I'm in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. Eatin up all the damn food! I like collard greens. I like them Piiiigs feet!
huh huh. you said DICK.
mmm, dick.
what were we talking about?
oh yes... VD.
no comments, huh? i am so computer illiterate, i couldn't lock you out, even if i wanted to!
i'm just bored. i have shit to do. just don't wanna. :P
and v, it's only 2 hours. come on over :P
i'm calling your bluff! but if for some reason you're down here, i'm available! :D
Okay, so if I move my mouse off the "post comments" link, while it is "thinking" then I am unable to post comments. WTF?
V!! COME!! Come now!! You can stay with me, I have a lovely futon just for you!
we have an extra bedroom! and both you guys can come over! :D :D :D i'll kick steve out. unless you want him there. MEOW.
damn it. steve said i need to curb my lesbian comments. sorry, guys...
Steve's always ruining our fun!! We want him there, but just so he can make us some of his legendary "kick-you-in-the-ass" drinks that will make us hung over for three days (*wink wink*, Nina)!
hehehe... his drinks are no fucking joke, man... heh...
All I can say is don't eat the chewy bits on the VD cookies...
Personally I can think of much more fun ways to get some VD. Cookies are good, but not as good as...
these comments are so fun. wheeee!
and what's up with the chatting with you two? get back to work!!!
What do you mean your last name isn't Mega? I've been practicing signing "Cindy Mega" all this time for nothing?
Mel's surname *should* be Mega. Think of all the shopping malls you could open with a name like that...
I like the chocolate chip herpes myself.
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