Crime and Punishment
A friend of mine was down in Newport Beach one evening having many beers. At the end of the night, he got in the car (he wasn't driving) and they started to head home. He was smoking a cigarette and flicked it out the window at a stop light. Right next to one of Newport's men in blue. He of course got a ticket and a court date.
He went to court this week. He was asked by the judge to pay a $340 fine. He was relieved that he got out of it with a fine and felt pretty good. Until the judge continued with "...AND 8 hours of community service that will consist of picking up trash on the side of the road."
My friend asks the judge "Can I just pay a bigger fine? I'll pay $400, I don't mind paying the money!"
The judge told him to get out of the courtroom. And so it goes.
Here's my question: Would it be incredibly cruel if I were to drive around his spot where he is picking up trash and flick cigarette butts out the window at him?
Nah, I didn't think so, either....I am soooo gonna do that!
Funny. You are a cruel wit. Just make sure you don't get caught or you'll end up right beside him in the chain gang... now *that* would be funny...
I know, I thought about making sure I don't get caught. But if I do, I am soooo gonna sing:
That's the sound of the men
Working on the Chain
yeah, yeah. do it! just make sure there aren't any cops around... because then your friend will never let you live it down. ever.
yeah, just make sure you don't get busted. Otherwise go for it!
That would be funny, but I believe I read one of your blogs about karma. I would fill up an ashtray or two and just throw them all out at once. That way you only have one chance to get caught, and/or you don't have to die of lung cancer while making fun of your friend. That would be bad...
oooh, peachy made a good point. Watch out for that Karma. Heh. I really like the idea of just tossing out one of two full ashtrays worth of butts. Ha!
You gotta do it Mel! How often does an opportunity like this come along? But I agree with some of the others, be careful. I think they have someone to monitor the ones who are doing the trash pick ups, don't they? It wouldn't be too funny if you had to do the same thing. Maybe to your friend it would be.
Hey Mel. That anonymous post was me. I guess I had the little dot in the wrong spot. Wow, I can rhyme!
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