Despite Keanu
I have been really intrigued by the idea of the movie Constantine. So, eventhough I am not a big fan of the acting phenom that is Keanu, I decided that I needed to see this movie.
I was really impressed. Once you get past Keanu, the movie is much better than expected. I thought that the story line was good, it kept my interest. The whole "look" of the movie was really neat. If you can tune out Keanu's cheesy lines, there is a good movie in there. Also, it was not really what I would call a "horror" film. I didn't think it was that scary. Of course, there are scary demons in it, but the story itself isn't scary. The only other thing I will mention is that you have to really pay attention. There are a lot of little details that if you miss them, you may be confused. So if you go to see this movie, make sure you don't go with a talker. And try to sit where you won't be disturbed by other movie-goers.
In other news, I FINALLY saw some good previews (if I see the damn preview for Guess Who? one more time, I am going to scream and rip all my hair out). Has anyone seen the previews for Sin City? At first I was a little turned off due to the fact that Jessica Alba and Brittany Murphy are in it. However, there are a lot of other, more respectable, actors in the movie. I am looking forward to that one! And I also finally saw the preview for the new Batman movie. All I can say is: "Mmmmmm....Christian Bale..."
I think Keanu is a bum, although my best friend is in love with him. I'm surprised she hasn't begged me to go see that one with her yet.
You don't like Jessica Alba and Brittany Murphy? Personally, I'm surprised neither of them has won an Oscar yet! (Yeah, that was supposed to be a joke.)
I gotta wonder when they will FINALLY stop making Batman and Superman movies/TV shows. Please, stop the madness.
i am soooo looking forward to sin city. clive owen! *rowr* double rowr!
i'm not a big Keanu fan, but that film does look interesting. i'm not really into the demon/angel stuff, but the visuals looked pretty good in previews.
i have yet to see any of those previews. personally i am sick and tired of seeing the chicken little previews. ugh. stupid.
what was the other one i just saw.. um... chicken guy and um... well it was a disney thing since we were there to see pooh's heffalump movie hee.
i totally want to see constantine... even if keanu is in it...
oh, and sin city. the graphic novel is AMAZING. one of the first i ever read...
Keanu is just shocking! ever since I saw him in Dracula and he sais "Woooah, Duuuuude! You're, like *totally* going to bite me..."
But obviously not as shocking as my spelling and grammar above...
I'll only watch the new Batman movie if, finally, he can look to the left and right without turning his whole body, thanks to his dominatrix-rubber cowl.
Never, ever go to a movie with a talker.
I just read that The Reeves will be starring in a movie version of the fine Phillip K Dick book "A Scanner Darkly".
'Why???' I cry to the heavens! He's *so* going to fuck it up! He'll be even worse than The Afleck was in "Paycheck", and believe me, that is really saying something.
Phillip K Dick must be revolving in his grave these days...
yoo hoo! mel?
you still out there?
Keanu has improved some. The Matrix wasn't bad. He is still somewhat of a twink though.
I hate all these reality t.v. shows. I havn't seen the previews that you mentioned, however I've seen one for "Intervention". How can that be beneficial to an audience? I mean that's just depressing.
I really wanted to see the movie "White Noise". No one will go out with me though, so I'll have to netflix it:(
I just saw Constantine yesterday and I can honestly say the movie wasn't bad, but that Keanu -- well, I'll just say his agent needs to spring for some acting lessons!
I thought the movie was pretty good. I must say that the guy that was cast as Satan was freakin perfect!... If it werent for him the ending would have been lame
Mel? You ok, babe?
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