Thursday, September 30, 2004

Driver's Ed - A Refresher Course

UGH! Holy Hectic Week, Batman! Hee hee...I have kinda had writers block. Kinda. But then I went on a tangent yesterday because something REALLY pissed me off.

Now, I would like to start by saying that I am not Miss Obey-all-traffic-laws-all-the-time. I have my issues with speed, I can admit it. However, I do try to obey most of the rules most of the time. And I think I am the only one out there. Everyone else is driving all crazy and outta control. Running stop signs, speeding through crosswalks, etc. It makes me insane!!

For instance, when I leave my workplace for the day, I get on the 22 Freeway. The on-ramp is split into two lanes. The carpool lane is supposed to be for cars of two people or more and they obviously do not have to stop at the 'meter' light. I can not tell you how many times a week I sit patiently waiting for that light to go green while a plethora of single drivers speed past me in the carpool lane. Now, I usually end up passing them anyway, but it makes me crazy! Do they feel like they are somehow beating the system by not following the rules? Does it really get them to their destination that much quicker? I highly doubt it since I see them a few minutes later sitting in the same traffic I am in!

And while we are discussing being in a hurry, let's talk about stop signs. From the American Heritage Dictionary:

Stop: to halt the motion or progress of

You will notice that nowhere in this definition does it say anything about slowing down enough to see if anyone is coming. It does not say pause, it does not say roll. To halt the motion. No more moving.

This phenomenon is especially aggrivating to me at four-way stops. It's like the person knows that everyone else has to stop, so why should they? But what if I were as big of an a-hole as they are and chose to not stop, too? Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I missed that sticker on your license plate that gives you the right to not stop. My bad.

The worse offenders of this, however, have got to be the moms. I drive past an elementary school every day. There are two four-way stops. One has a crossing guard and the other doesn't. The intersection without the guard has got to be one of the most dangerous intersections in the LBC! Kids are riding their bikes and their scooters across the street...and psycho moms running late for yoga are tearing through the stop sign in their Volvo full of kids! I am not kidding. I see it every day. I fear for the children who have to walk to school.

And is everyone out there aware of the turn signal? Did they stop making cars with the turn signal? Not a day goes by, not one day, where I don't want to strangle someone for lack of a turn signal. Are we so lazy nowadays that the extra effort to flick our right hand and let someone know you're turning is just too much? Apparently so.

If you are on the freeway and you choose to enter the "fast" lane...GO FAST! If cars are passing you on the right (and honking and giving you the finger and cutting you off) it means you are not going fast enough. And you should get your 50-MPH-driving ass over. Now.

And one more thing. Just because you drive a fancier car than me does not give you any special driving priveleges (this means you, frizzy-head bitch that drives the hideous yellow 2-door Mercedes and drives home on the 22 West every day! Hate you!). We are all on the same roads, obeying the same laws (ideally), trying to get home. Let's all work together. For your own safety. From me.


Blogger Kis Lee said...

Omg, the 22 is one of the worst! I'd have to say the 5 gets pretty bad, but I've seen some crazy drivers on the 22.

4 way stops...whoever invented that must have assumed people have common sense. Wrong, wrong assumption.

You know what pisses me cops never use turn signals. One of these days, some cop is going to crash into me, and I'll get to sue the city. yeah!

3:14 PM  
Blogger cat said...

I just posted this in comments on someone else's blog (an American now living in Canada) but I'll give you a little synopsis of how to drive in the province of Quebec.
1) turn signals - optional
2) stop signs - even more optional
3) red light - just a suggestion in case you feel the urge to slow down.

Everything I am learning in my driving lessons does NOT apply to the real world.

And WHAT is it about road construction sites that automatically turn drivers into even bigger arses than they already are???? Who cares about traffic rules then, it's a free for all! Who cares if the big tractor/bull dozer/dump truck/steam roller is backiong up or that pedestrians are trying to cross the intersection. Construction = speed up and take out any one in your way!!!

GAH! Sorry this is such a long comment, you've touched my a nerve there!!! :) I am dealing with this every bloody day on the walk to work...

5:16 PM  
Blogger grace said...

i've noticed in orange county that benz drivers are the absolute worst. i am not sure, but i think it may be because they have their heads so effin' far up their arses that they can't see straight. i don't know for sure, though.

hey, my turn signal's on the left. i don't know about you, though :P *wink*wink*

and yeah. the 22 is ALWAYS backed up. i'm so glad i don't have to deal with freeways if i don't want to...

5:24 PM  

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