Thursday, September 09, 2004

Macy Gray Ain't No Star

There is an event at my hotel tonight where Macy Gray will be performing. I am not a Macy Gray fan, never really have been, probably never will be. The coolest thing I can think about her is that I really liked her kitchen when I saw her house on Cribs. Other than that, eh...I could take her or leave her.

Every morning representatives from most departments gather together to briefly discuss the day's events, someone takes notes and the notes are distributed so that everyone in the hotel knows what is going on (ideally anyway).

Anywhoo, this morning the big topic was Macy Gray and her concert tonight. Apparently our Head of Security fashions himself as the music critic of our hotel (note that he is probably in his 60's and not at all "hip" or "with it"). His comments were as follows:

"Macy Gray is a nobody! She's what, had two songs that hit the top ten? I went to her website and there was nothing there! Did she even have more than one album? She's not famous! She's a nobody!"

Tee hee...I don't know what's worse, his comments or the fact that the Catering Manager refers to her as "Gracie May"!

Macy, please check your ego at the door. We are obviously so not impressed with you at this hotel!


Blogger grace said...

i do like that one song... damn. except i can't remember the name of it. you know it... the big hit. damn. i seriously can't remember it. next time i go to a karaoke bar, though, i'll dedicate it to you :P

12:02 PM  

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