Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Totally 80's

There is a woman who works here who apparently has not stepped foot in a mall or department store since 1987. Seriously. Even her perfume reeks from the 80's. She wears Estee Lauder's Beautiful. Do they even make that anymore? She must have a lifetime supply of it because she pours half the bottle on herself every day. She just walked by my desk (she doesn't talk to me because I once complained about hoo...I so wish she would talk to me) and my whole area will smell like her for the rest of the day. Her makeup is carefully copied step-by-step from the June 1985 Glamour. She believes that with shoulder pads, more is more. She is single-handedly keeping Aqua Net in business. I think she saw Working Girl one too many times. I am so frightened for her children! Do you think they know what decade it is? Let's hope they have good friends that will keep them hip!


Blogger grace said...

hahaha... nice. there's a lady at my work who's a little like that. not quite so bad... but overdoes the perfume. i get nauseated when she walks by. it's just that bad...

but, have you noticed? the 80s are coming back! haven't you seen the off-the-shoulder flash dance outfits and the legwarmers? oh, god, the legwarmers.

i want to gouge my eyes out.

3:01 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

Yup, her kids are totally screwed!

Dude! I know the 80's are coming back and it frightens me...I have the pictures to prove how hideous I looked back then, I sooo do not want to revisit it (I wonder if can still squeeze into my parachute pants?).

3:17 PM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

does anyone remember that "perfume" called Exclamation? it must be making a come-back because I keep smelling it all over the place. Or maybe it's just something like it.

3:19 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

OMG! I totally wore Exclamation!! That and Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson. Hmm...I am going to stop at Sav-On and check out their perfume. I will keep you updated on the situation...

4:27 PM  

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