Despite rampant Internet rumors (*glaring at Ian and Cat*) I have not been away having a sex change and running away with CL. Although, if she asked, I would have to go!
My new promotion is kicking my ass! And I don't have access to a computer at work for another two weeks. I promise I will return soon to our regular scheduled program.
I am going to visit everyone and catch up and then I will post again. Just wanted you all to know I am still alive.
Ian and Cat have it all wrong. I want Mel and Steve both! Preferably at the same time...
You wack, kinky Californians. Drinking, sex, threesomes.. my goodness! What happened to good wholesome family values???
(Ian, I still think that they're lying, we just need to try harder to crak 'em!)
Oh, and...
YAY! Mel's still alive!!
*happy dance*
It's a good thing you posted this; I was a half hour away from going on a quest to California to avenge your death.
Cat - I've been trying to crack 'em for ages... but they seem to prefer eachother... ;)
(Oh, and yay! Go Mel...)
We miss you! Come back soon! :)
Yay! Mel's back. I never doubted you for a second.
At least for a minute.
Maybe not an hour?
Missing your hotness.
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