Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Random Mid-Week Thoughts

I must have done something very good today. Why? Because after my regular episode of Jeopardy (where Ken Jennings cleaned up - AGAIN), there was a special bonus episode! I did a happy "Extra Episode of Jeopardy" dance around my living room and didn't once hit my knee on the coffee table. Good day, indeed!

Ummm...I am totally freaked out right now. After my back-to-back Jeopardy high, I was looking forward to Lost. Until I hit the "info" button on my remote and discovered that the episode is titled The Moth. I shit you not. And when I came home tonight, guess what was waiting on my door for me? That's right. A moth. Apparently one of them reads my Blog and is spreading the word of my terror.

How come chinese food tastes so much better when eaten straight from the carton? Maybe because I know I have no dishes to clean! Yay!

If you ever plan an event at a hotel and you are part of a committee...can you please make sure that you meet before hand and discuss the details first? *grinds teeth and rolls eyes after spending two hours with a committe*

I really want an accent. A cool one. I guess I could just move somewhere else, but then I would only have a dumb American accent. Do you think anyone around me would notice if I just start casually using an accent? Like, every couple of words or sentences, just talk with an accent. Hmm...Ian, can you teach me to talk with an Irish accent? Or do you talk with an Australian one? Cat, do you call people "hoser" and say "aboot"? Or talk with a French Canadian accent?

Do you guys tell your co-workers when they have stuff in their teeth? Or a boogie in their nose? Would you tell your boss? A complete stranger?

And last but not least, perhaps the most important question of them all. Why is it soooo friggin cold in here?!?!


Blogger Benjamin said...

I speak with a Scottish accent whenever possible. It's probably horrible-sounding.

"Why do you speak like that, Ben?"

"That's simple, and I'm glad you asked: to torture you with my accent of DOOM."

9:00 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Sure thing Mel. Learning to speak Irish 101:

1. Pronounce the letter "I" as if it were "Oi". For example Ireland should be pronounced Oirland.

2. Repeat after me: 30 = torty.

3. Start each sentence with "Ah sure, now" and make it into a question if you can. For example instead of saying "The couch looks better over there" say "Ah, sure, now, isn't that grand, now, it being over there?"

4. Drink alcohol. Alot.

5. Learn one all encompasing phrase - "Fair play to ya." It can mean anything you want it to mean, so long as you're giving vague praise or commenting on bravery and the like.

Example 1 -
Man - "I have just won $20 million!"
His friend - "Fair play to ya!"

Example 2 -
Man - "Today I shall walk 50 miles for charity"
His friend - "Fair play to ya."

Example 3 -
Man - "I intend to inject myself with this green liquid..."
His friend - "Well... fair play to ya..."

So there you go. If you still have problems speaking it, I will gladly help you get your tongue around a few things ;)

12:58 AM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

What a great idea, having a new accent! I love Ian's lesson plan. Let us know how it works out. I personally like the Canadian accent idea. I need a lesson plan for that.

I think the moths are reading your blog, Mel. Maybe they are more literate out west than over here. You should post something about an upcoming extermination. Maybe they'll leave.

My friend G always had a cliffhanger dangling from his nose. It got to the point where I'd just hand him a tissue. I guess telling someone that I'm not so familiar with that they (temporarily) are looking gross is tough.

4:51 AM  
Blogger cat said...

No blogging for me last night as I was trying out Brandy whilst watching TV and then off to bed I was.

Hmm, I do not call people "hoser" but I guess I do say "oot" and "aboot" I know that I apparently say "sorry" wrong, or different. I have been told that by a few Yanks. I don't really know how I say it. :)

I say "car" and "bar" and stuff differently. I've sort of picked up my friend's P.E.I. accent for that. Canada has a wealth of different accents. We English speaking Canadians in Quebec always sound different than the rest of Canada. Not because of a French accent, I mean the actual anglophones here - like me. But we have a more sofisticated way of pronouncing things. Ha!

Sorry no french accent here. I can't even mimic one. I'm pretty good at mimicing Irish though. Or that guy in the mini cereal bar commercial... "they're not mineh! They're HUGE!!"

Sorry the moths can read where you're from. Ours are pretty illiterate....

6:20 AM  
Blogger grace said...

ken jennings is a fucking monster! DAMN! i heart him. i mean, who doesn't???

good lord. those moths are smart! i hate moths, too. i make steve go first. i can't deal with bugs and shit like that.

at least you don't have a jersey accent. :P hey, speaking of accents, my irish friends always said "tanks" whenever they said "thanks"... it was so cute. it's cuter said. when it's written, it just looks like you made a boo boo.

i wish i had an accent. that would be cool. i love the irish accent... and the english accent... german's pretty cool, too. people listen to you when you have a german accent, i think :P

i don't co-workers shit. i like to see them make assholes out of themselves. it's fun. i would tell my boss or a complete stranger, though.

it's cold here, too. they keep it really cold in offices so that the guys can get their jollies off of seeing fripples. i always wear a bra with a touch of padding to stop that from happening. and i keep my jacket on most of the time. rat bastards! you shall never see my nipples hard! never!!!!

okay. i'm tired. sorry.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Someone from well..somewhere, I can't remember now because I was at a bar meaning I was drinking...anyway, someone from another country once said we Californian's sound like we're always singing our words. I found that odd, but understandable, as most people sound like us when they sing, the Beatles, Lyle, etc.
Side note: Ian wants to what???

10:04 AM  
Blogger cat said...

sez Ian:
If you still have problems speaking it, I will gladly help you get your tongue around a few things ;)
sez me:
Well... fair play to ya!

11:47 AM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

apparently i have a southern california accent. i have no idea what that means. when i meet people visiting from the midwest or the east coast, they say that.

my friend's husband has a thick boston accent. very kennedy-esque.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Oddgirl said...

I hear you on the Chinese food out of the carton. There may never be an explantion for that.

I try not to be a part of any commitee. That usually helps.

I think people would probably noticed if you started using an accent. You could practice an accent by going to the airport. You'll never see those people again. It couldn't hurt.

I always tell people when their fly is down or anything else of an embarrassing nature. I would want them to tell me.

It wasn't cold here yesterday, but it has been lately. May I suggest some hot chocolate?

7:58 AM  
Blogger Quyen said...

Chinese food? Maybe... but sushi only tastes good on sushi plates. It just doesn't taste right out of a styrofoam box hehe :P And yay! Ian taught me Irish :P lol

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone has an accent, it usually means they speak a second language. So, let's take a moment to recognize all bilingual people living in the U.S. The OIRISH don't count, nor the Scotts, or the English, etc...

3:10 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

(Sitting drumming fingers on desk, patiently waiting for Mel to show up again...)

7:38 PM  
Blogger cat said...

I'm with you, Ian. Mel sure is taking her sweet time in coming out to play! Maybe she's just too good for all of us now that she's got that promotion, you know?

Shall we have a drink while we wait? :)

4:44 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

I've suspected as much for ages, Cat. She gets a new job, starts moving in better circles, pretty soon she's denying even knowing us. It won't be long before she's betting her work buddies she can replace us with a street bum, and make us turn to crime, all for the bet of $1...

5:52 PM  
Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

I don't know about you guys, but Mel loves me. We hang out all the time, go to bars, watch Smallville and Las Vegas together, get drunk on champagne. She's a fun bunny!

8:03 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Hmmm. Is that so, CL? Well then. (Crosses arms and pouts). If Mel has found someone new, she could have at least *told* me. Not *pretend* I'm her one true love, while secretly seeing *you* behind my back...

10:55 PM  
Blogger cat said...

I feel cheated on too. Humph.

Well, Ian, I guess it's just you and me. Maybe I will change my honeymoon date to August. When did you say you'd be in Oireland again? Mel and CL obviously no longer need us. And on top of that CL has Steve. No need to have a trail of clues to know when we're not wanted.


8:44 AM  
Blogger grace said...

what in the hell???? where's mel been??? christ.

stupid promotion... *grumble*grumble*

11:05 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

It's a deal Cat. Let Mel & CL have each other, we don't need them anyway. Let's start our own little break-away blog gang. You can carry the conch...

I think I know where Mel has gone, by the way. You know - this whole thing CL has going on with 'Kiddie-TV-boy-Steve' – I think Steve is really Mel in disguise. It could happen! Think about it – she cut her hair, painted on some fake stubble, taped down her boobs, got herself a stripy top, changed her name to Steve, hooked up with CL…

It’s their way of hiding their forbidden love for each other…

12:24 PM  
Blogger cat said...

*snerk* It's really hard to pretend your doing work on your computer when you burst out laughing because of Ian's comments.

Mel, in disguse as Steve, has seduced CL and they've run away together. Except that CL seems to be floating about out there somewhere so she's not in total hiding. Maybe Mel is ashamed of the sex change gone wrong? Or of her forbidden love for CL?

Or, maybe she's just lurking to see how many comments she can get about her. Stuck up beeyatch! This is just a ploy for attention, isn't it? Hmmm.

Mel are you out there? (Tommy, can you hear me??) We love you mel, come back!

1:07 PM  

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