Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday Blahs!

Who the fuck decided to make a 5-day work week and a 2-day weekend??!?! I'm sooo gonna kick that person's ass. ONE MORE DAY!!! Please!! Here are some things that I am thinking about today instead of working:

Could the Reality Bites Soundtrack be any better? I have listened to it non stop all day and I keep getting excited to hear certain songs!

I need a life.

Don't you hate when you can't get a buzz to save your life?? I made the mistake of eating a HUGE meal on Saturday night (chicken fried steak, mashed taters, biscuits and extra gravy washed down with 3 Amstels). Yeah. Nothing. Proceeded to drink a shot and three more beers. Nada. I just got really full. And gassy. Hot. The only good thing? I was in a gross sweaty club that already smelled like ass, so I didn't feel so bad if I let one slip and then danced across the floor really fast. Hee.

Some guy grabbed my ass at the club and said it was like a steak. Huh? Is that a good thing? Did he mean a cooked steak? Or raw? Is there a difference? Can some male out there please explain this to me? I didn't know whether I should be offended or not. So I just gave him a weird look and wandered off...

A girl from work just got back from her Honeymoon and brought me chocolate covered macadamia nuts...SHAPED LIKE WHALES!! Call me easily impressed, but how cool is that? Oh, and not just whales, but mama whales with little baby whales. Suh-weet!

Not to beat a dead horse, but I was thinking about Friday night. I had three shots and about 5 beers and was barely buzzed...At what point should I be worried about my tolerance? It is getting very expensive. At least I don't wake up hung over. And I was happily injury-free on Saturday and Sunday morning. Yippee!

Has anyone seen that commercial, I think it is for Miller (?) where the guy is going to work and Survivor (the band, not the show) is following singing to the tune of "Eye of the Tiger"? (Glen, Glen, Glen, day he'll be...Supervisor)...anyone? I can't get it out of my head and our Director of Engineering is named Glen. I just want to sing it to him sooooo bed. Would that be offensive?

Could whoever has been trying to send a fax to my phone line at work PLEASE STOP!! GAH! If I find out who it is, I am going to hope in the Mel Mobile, drive to your office and pop your eye out like in Kill Bill vol 2!! I'm crazy enough, I'll do it. I've been practicing.

If people on Soap Operas can "die" but really go and live secretly for a few years and then come back and their life is perfect and all the messes are cleaned up, why can't I?

I have had something in my eye since I woke up this morning. I have tried everything! I look like a cyclops because I have no makeup on this eye because I keep rubbing it, flushing ith with water. I am seriously considering asking someone to punch me really hard and make my cry. I'm sure I would get plenty of volunteers...

Speaking of punching, did anyone see the fight on Saturday? Holy cow was that a good fight! I was way into it.

I hate Mondays. It means there are 5 full days until the weekend. *Sigh*...I feel blue.


Blogger cat said...

oh, sure... NOW I can comment. Well it's too late. Humph. You'll just have to read my comments over on my blog. :P

6:20 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

What, my ass is like a steak? Do you mean a steak that's raw or cooked? Bone in or bone out? Is it an 8oz or a 12 oz steak? Seasoned or plain? Medium or medium rare, or maybe raw, did you mean raw? What kind of marbling on the steak? Did you mean that it would go nicely with some "steak sauce"?

Here's an idea: just coldcock the son of a bitch stranger who had the balls to grab your ass in public and then tell you that is feels like a fucking steak.

7:43 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

When random guys say your ass is like steak it's just our way of trying to 'meat' you... Ahem...

8:33 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Um, that's 'meat' in the 'pun-of-meet' sense of the word, and not some innuendo for, um, well...

I'll get my coat...

8:34 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

You know, I should've hit him...caused a huge bar brawl. The problem was, I think he came up to my shoulder. I am 5 feet. I might've killed him...

Ian! HA! "Meat" me! That could've been it, but I don't think he was smart enough to come up with something like that!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Rob Burton said...

'I can't get it out of my head and our Director of Engineering is named Glen. I just want to sing it to him sooooo bed'

Is the 'bed' bit a freudian slip? or a typo? Just asking?

2:24 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

Oh and by the way, you are correct in your first sentence - "Who the Fuck" did indeed invent the 5 day working week and two day weekend. I believe he was some sort of Native American. Bit of a 'Lad About Prairie' by all accounts. Vegetarian, too...

(Ok, now I'm just being silly...)

2:59 AM  
Blogger joão martinho said...

i agree with you! :)

3:09 AM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

Rob, OMG! Total typo! Ewww....

Ian, you are very silly! Are you coming here for Christmas or am I going to Australia?

9:03 AM  
Blogger grace said...

the reality bites soundtrack DOES rock.

i tried to leave comments earlier, but it didn't work for me. what the hell?

man, i've never had that problem of not being able to get a buzz... i'm a very cheap date.

i think that the steak comment is supposed to be a compliment... i mean, hell, i like a good steak every now and then. don't you?

yeah, you should've punched him. not that i'm an advocate for violence. who am i kidding? of course i am!

get some eye drops! i keep some in my bag at all times. sure, it burns... but it's better than it being itchy.

9:40 AM  
Blogger cat said...

Can I just gloat here a second and say I have Friday off and this upcoming monday is a holiday for us Canadians. Ha ha ha. A 4 day wekeend. Now if only I had the money to go somewhere...

Ian, sweetie, don't listen to Mel. You should stay with me for Christmas. We have snow. (beat that, chicky!)

1:13 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Oh such a choice! Christmas in the US or Canada! Do I get presents?

8:02 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

And can we build a snowman in LA?

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MEL. You are killing me softly. I carry a torch for you....

8:53 AM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

Ian, if you are in CA for Christmas, we can build a sandcastle!

2:34 PM  
Blogger SJ said...


4:33 AM  

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