Monday, April 25, 2005


Last week was crazy for me!! I was super busy. But I had small little things that made it a great week:

1. I walked into Trader Joes and they had my favorite flower, Ranunculus, in the best pink ever! I almost cried, I was so excited.

2. A text message in the middle of the day telling me to have a good day. And I was having a crappy day. But that made me smile.

3. The best bowl of oatmeal I have ever had. With brown sugar, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, bananas and milk. Mmmmm...I thought I was in heaven.

4. Finding soft Gummy Cherries. And then proceeding to eat the entire bag in one sitting.

5. Having someone tell me I was beautiful. And having it said in the most sincere way possible. It's been a long time since I've heard that and I was a little blown away...

6. Being told that I need to go home and change my pants, because the ones I had on were pissy. How could anyone be a "Pissy Pants" after that comment?!?!

I am on my 6th straight day of a 10-day work week. I am tired and crabby. But I am getting my crap done so I can go home and not be nerved out. I hope everyone I come into contact with these next 4 days is patient and understanding. And I hope that on Friday I can go out and find enough Amstel to make up for the past 10 days. It's not the holidays, so I can dissolve myself in alcohol! SWEET!

P.S. Please go visit Grace and tell her to name her cute new bunny after me!


Blogger grace said...

10 days straight?

damn, girl. let me take you out for drinks.

and i think you're beautiful. i mean it! i really do! :D

2:28 PM  
Blogger Oddgirl said...

Sheesh...that's a long stretch.

I think they sell Amstel in AZ...:)

And for the record, I think you're beautiful too...inside and out.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

what are pissy pants? i don't get it.

yeah, i love soft gummy cherries. i hate the not-so-soft, borderline hard gummy fruits.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Rarry said...

Other men telling you your beautiful...???.. So I guess we are going to have one of those open marriages then? ;P

4:05 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

It's how you refer to someone who is in a bad (pissy) mood!! Pissy Pants! Did anyone ever see the episode of Southpark with "Suzy Pissy Pants"???

5:11 PM  
Blogger cat said...

i have been a pissy pants all week and i'm starting week #2 out as pissier pants. *grump*

we can make up for this at the wedding when we get all giggly and cuddle :P

5:19 PM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

10 straight days? Bummer.

How did you fit any oatmeal into the bowl with all that other stuff in there? It does sound yummy though.

I think you are beautiful, thanks to all the pics posted of you recently plus what you write on your blog.

BTW, I already put my 2 cents in this morning for naming the bunny after you. It's a great idea.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

i missed that south park.

mel pissy pants...that's kinda funny.

6:28 PM  

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