Monday, April 25, 2005

I Kill Me: The Deuce!

So my cousin sends me an email and adds the following PS:

E: "I've been noticing a lot of people with no necks lately. Like seriously, their shoulders touch thier ears. Whats up with that? your thoughts....."

MM: "Yeah, what the hell is up with the no-neck thing? What do you think would happen if those people ever had to be put into a guillotine? Would they lose half their torso? Probably, huh?"

My cousin had to leave the library for laughing out loud and snorting!! Hee!

Good times, y'all...Good times...


Blogger grace said...

heh... that's funny... you ever see spike and mike's twisted animations? they got this guy called 'no neck joe' and people are tapping him on the shoulder and shit...

okay, it's funnier when you watch it. :P

5:12 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

That must explain those people who wear neck ties around their forehead...

5:40 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

And Rambo...

5:40 PM  
Blogger cat said...

you're funny. ha ha! :)

will you sing some more for me? :P

8:06 PM  
Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Hey, I know No Neck Joe! Well, not personally, but I know his work. Mel, your CD went out today. Sorry so late!

10:29 PM  
Blogger peachy said...

That is hilarious. I love laughing in the library.

8:30 AM  

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