Stir Crazy
I was walking into the employee caf to fill my water bottle, when what do I see??? AN ASSLOAD OF MARSHMALLOWS!!! Can you say "Heaven"??? I looooooove me some 'mallows! I shoved four down my throat, took five for the road and am about to go back in and polish them off.
I am listening to's "I Love the 80's" station. They just played "Tainted Love". In case you wanted to know, that is the second 45 I ever owned. The first was "Eye of the Tiger", which I like to now refer to as "Eye of the Liger". It is so much cooler. And for the record, Talk Talk performed "It's My Life" sooooo much better than that talentless skank Gweeeeeeen. Blech.
Is it just me, or is Yoj just beyond smokin' hot???? Seriously, every time I see a comment from her, she's smiling right at me. I know what she's thinking, too. She's thinking "Hey there you doin'? No really. I am here, just waiting for you. I've got a nice cold Amstel here with your name on it. Why don't you sit down and we'll eat dark chocolate together?" *Rowr*
Going to the movies tonight. Either seeing Crash or Layer Cake. We want to see both, so we are going to flip a coin to decide. I know that Grace LOVED Layer Cake...but I don't know where in non-artsy OC it is playing without having to drive to Irvine. And The Boy will have to be up at the butt crack of dawn, so I can't keep him out too late (although I'll try to keep him up! Dirty!) I guess we'll end up seeing Crash. Oooooh...YB's Girlfriend Sandra is in that movie.
I suppose I'll get back to work now...I'll be sure to spoil the movie for you tomorrow!
YUM. marshmallows!!! i love the way they melt in my mouf.
i *heart* tainted love... eye of the liger. you make me giggle :P yeah. fuck gwen.
no... it's not just you... that temptress says the same thing to me, too. dirty slut! :P mmm, dirty slut... hehehe
i wanna see crash too... spoil it for me tomorrow! :)
i can't eat more than 4-5 mellows before i get a huge headache.
i love tainted love.
yeah, yoj is smokin' hot.
I love marshmallows. I like to stuff my cheeks full like a hamster. Yum!
I'd love to hear about Crash. Spoil it for me too please. It's got to be good since my love Sandy is in it. ;)
Those old songs are great. I love It's kinda weird that the songs I used to party to are considered classic now. Weird.
I'm glad you found a mound o' marshmallows. I'm not such a big fan unless they are in hot cocoa.
I love tainted love too...who would have guess that? And for the record Asia rocked my socks in the 80's. My first 45 was "Mickey" by Toni Basil.
I haven't seen any previews for fill me in.:)
Marshmallows in hot chocolate! Mmmmm. Way bitchin' 80s tunes are cool, too!
eye of the tiger! i so need to get that for my wedding!!
i like mini marshmallows. yum!
'Tainted Love' was on a 45!?!
Oooo lookie..
more Hot babes!! :)
And I just love the Bubbles!
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