Friday, January 21, 2005


Why can't people pronounce "buffet" right? Or "foyer"? It's like that commercial where the guy says wa-rap for wrap. Cracks me up every time. I just heard one of the assistants up here say "buffet" and clearly pronounce the "t". She said this to a client. Great image we are projecting here.


Blogger grace said...

nothing annoys me more than when people say supposeBly. wtf is that? supposebly's not even a fucking word!

okay, there are other things that annoy me probably a little more, but supposebly is WAY up there...

10:39 AM  
Blogger Benjamin said...

Living in Indiana, I'm privvy to all sorts of language mangling. My two most hated examples: "libary" instead of "library", and "acrosst", instead of "across". I kill people for that sort of thing.

Or at least give them this look like they farted really loud, in church, in front of baby Jesus.

1:27 PM  
Blogger grace said...

oh, i nearly crapped my pants, ben... that was so damned funny!!!

one more i hate... heighth.

1:36 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

BAHAHAHA!!Ben! You are too funny! And if Baby Jesus was there when I had my "incident", I am pretty sure I woke him up too. And he then proceeded to cross me off his list...And I hate "libary" too! Do you hear a lot of "Hows come" out there? Or "yous guys"? Hate.

Grace, that totally reminds me of that Friends episode where Joey realizes it isn't supposed to be "supposably" and he says to himself "Did they go to the zoo? Supposably..."

Ooooh Veronica! "post"??? That is grounds for breakup!

I also hate it when someone says it is a "mute" point instead of "moot". Mute? What, like the point can't hear me? WTF!??!

3:02 PM  
Blogger Freebird said...

Soooory, but I'm guilty of this and so are most Hispanics I know. I didn't even realize we did this either. We don't say sandwich, but more of a sandwish. :-(

Don't shoot me please! I don't speak with an accent at all, but this is the only way this word comes out of my mouth - its like a handicap really.

3:26 PM  
Blogger MomMega: said...

It's okay, I am guilty of saying "samwich"...

3:50 PM  
Blogger Rarry said...

The two that kill me are "ax" as in "Let me ax you a question" and "Pasghetti" as in "I like pasghetti and meatballs"...
Its like you telling the world "hey look at me Im retarted"

3:56 PM  
Blogger La Pax Ciega said...

Don't forget Jacqueline Bisset!

Maybe its all the Freedom Fries thingy. Intentionally mispronounce Frankish words, or je ne sais quoi.

5:55 AM  
Blogger grace said...

man, i hate it when people misspell pronunciation...


d'oh! :P

10:55 AM  
Blogger Rob Burton said...

We have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language.
Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost, 1882

2:58 AM  
Blogger peachy said...

My coworker says 'acrosst' and I can't stand it. An old boyfriend of mine said 'sangwich'.

The only thing I know I say wrong (but I really think it's regional) is length. I say it lenth (like tenth), and people around here say length (and pronounce the g). It's a struggle for me to pronounce that G. I also say amb-U-lance and people say ambilance (they say it fast).

8:57 AM  
Blogger sic said...

I once had a friend who's boyfriend's name was Sean. Except it wasn't. It was Shawynn. 'It's weird', she said. 'I don't know why more people don't spell it that way. That's how it's pronounced'.

What huh?

12:13 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

"Ax" used to drive my ex nuts. She was black and all her sisters and cousins said "ax." She swears she was adopted.

My sister used to have problems with spaghetti. She said busquetti.

I remember one kid that asked his teacher how to spell "Alls" as in "Alls I wanted to do was watch tv."

11:10 AM  

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