Friday, May 27, 2005

Graduating is Cool!

My cousin graduated from college yesterday. You know us; we can't have a small little celebration with the family. Nooooooo!! After the ceremony, we all headed over to PF Changs. Oh, if it were only that simple.

First of all, between 11 people, we had about 15 cars. What??? There was some major maneuvering and car-hopping going on. People were being followed, people were being dropped off, people were trading cars left and right. Leave it to us Mexicans to never do anything the easy way. So after about an hour of all the ins and outs and parking and moving, we all finally get to the restaurant. By this time, we've all earned ourselves a sparkly beverage. Ooooh yeah! That's right, it was a Champers day! My favorite. My cousin and I each had a couple of splits. Then we decided that it would probably be more cost-effective to just order a bottle. So we did. Then we ordered another one. Mmmm..."Tiny Bubbles..."

Because my family never does anything half-assed, we ordered enough food to feed a small village for three years. It was madness! Other customers were blatantly staring open-mouthed at our table. Plates were flying, noodles were being flung, scallops and shrimp were flying off the table. You would’ve thought that we hadn’t eaten in about ten years!

After we had finished stuffing ourselves, those that were left all hopped in a van and went back to Huntington. The family dropped my cousin and I off at her place, where we promptly popped the bottle of champagne that I brought into her fridge to chill. Hmmm…what should we do while we are waiting? I know! Let’s go downtown and have a drink! Sweet!

Seeing as how it was such a lovely day, we went to Chimayo to sit outside. We decided to stick with the champagne, as it had been working out well for us so far and there was no point in risking the chance of getting sick by switching. So we sat outside and drank our champers and started talking with some of the other people out there. My cousin was telling everyone why we were celebrating. Next thing I know, one of the guys is offering to buy us a bottle of champagne. Sweet! My cousin tells him to just order the cheap stuff. This guy must’ve had major issues. He bought us a bottle of Dom Perignon!!! My hero!

We polish off the bottle and head over to HB Brewery with these guys. Oh, also, these guys were all waiting for their wives to come and meet up with them! Nice! Once we got there, we all ordered an assload of food. Again! But I felt like I hardly ate anything. Next thing I know, the bill is being presented, one of the guys pays it and then POOF! They are all gone. Just my cousin and I again.

By this time I was soooo tired, I just wanted to go home and sleep. I had called my Honey to come and get me. He showed up, we hung out for a while and then he whisked me off to In and Out before tucking me in. Where I proceeded to have wonderful, bubbly dreams. I wish my cousin would graduate every month!


Blogger TerraT said...

This is sooo cool! I love being the first commenter! No one better sneak in and comment while I'm writing this either, or blogger war! (battle cry)

Anyway, I love free stuff! That was a cool story, I want free stuff too now.

Also, heh, my family is Puerto Rican and trust me when I say you don't got the market cornered on crazy parties!

10:31 AM  
Blogger Oddgirl said...

How come that shit never happens to me? It sounds like you guys had a great time. Congrats to your cousin!:)

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little jealous. Generous women who make good money don't just show up and pay my tab while I'M getting drunk. {sigh}

12:36 PM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

awwwww, your Honey sound sweet. late night in-and-out rules!

2:09 PM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

geez, i meant "sounds."

2:09 PM  
Blogger grace said...

what? late night in-n-out? my favorite :P hehehe

that's why you were all fucked up. hehehe... dayam.

that shit never happens to me... i need to hang out with you and your cousin. :P

5:13 PM  
Blogger cat said...

that stiff never happnes to me either... maybe it's because we're not mexican?? ;)

congrats to your graduated cousin!

6:52 PM  
Blogger cat said...

i just totally realized that i spelled almost every word wrong in my last comment. i look like i was drunk or something when i wrote it. sorry! :)

3:01 PM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

Now that is the way to celebrate a graduation!! Your family really has it down right.

I don't know how you can drink all that champagne. I would be sick from that, especially Dom Perignon.

Now Tequila or gin, those I could handle. ;)

4:37 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

That sounded like a dream! That kind of stuff only happens when I'm with my best friend. She attracts that kind of luck, pretty much always.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. I'm the cousin. Always happens when we go out. Have to beat em all off with sticks...everyone wants to buy us a round cuz..ya know why...we're friggin the funnest girls ever!! Duh! Spend a night with us. It's a mind scramble.

As a side note: inexplicably, Mel and I both ended up spending around $80 each even though Lemon Drop Jerry and friends paid for everything....hmmmm...

Another side note: if you are male, chances are you get free drinks too if you're out with us.Men always want to suck up to whoever is hanging out with us... In fact, Mel's bro and I would always go out to a bar, look for an unsuspecting, preferably rich, ugly guy whom I would then approach, flirt with, accept an offer for a free drink and then signal my cousin Ron, who was watching the whole time, who would then swoop on over and then I'd say, "yeah, but you gotta buy my cousin one too! And we want shots! None of that cheap stuff either!!" Shocked/appalled/just glad to be talking to someone whatever, the guy would ALWAYS get our drinks, which we'd immeadiately down and ask for two more, then after shot gunning these, we would both dart off, throwing the "ha! you so got played!" look over our shoulders and move on to our next victim...I heart my family!

1:48 PM  

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