Thursday, June 10, 2004

An Anti-Kerry World

Ahhhh....a girl can dream can't she? Forget that, a hockey fan could dream! Kerry Frasier is the cancerous mole on the NHL's ass and he must be removed!

Kerry Frasier is a god-awful ref who was put on this earth to torture me, make me curse like a sailor, stomp up and down and hurl remote controls or whatever else may be handy (including small children or dogs) at the television while the neighbors call the cops because they think that there is some sort of domestic disturbance in my apartment because surely one tiny little girl can not be making all that racket by herself, someone must be attacking her! He refs games that he knows I am watching and finds new ways to piss me off, royally! How he knows, I have no idea, but boy is he good....I am fairly certain that 666 is tattoed somewhere under his perfect helmet of hair....

All together now...."Frasier Sucks! Frasier Sucks! Frasier Sucks!" to my ears....