*SIGH* I hate coming back to work after a 3-day weekend. Especially a nice, relaxing weekend like the one that I had.
So on Friday night, Honey and I pack up his truck and head down to La Fonda (not LaFawnda, GRACE!) to do some camping. We hit sooooo much traffic, it was positively miserable! We didn't get down there until after 11. We were both pretty crabby. Plus all the good spots were taken. But we found a decent spot and settled in. Had some hot dogs and a few beers and we both felt better. We wandered down to one of the bars because Honey wanted a tequila shot. I had a beer, no tequila for me, thank you! Watched some girls bumping and grinding on some guys...it was very entertaining. Hmmm...
The next morning was overcast, but warm. We went over to one of the restaurants and had some yummy breakfast (I had a breakfast burrito, Honey had Huevos Rancheros). As we are walking out of the restaurant, we see this girl that we had seen the night before. She is wearing the same dress and has a bottle of Jager in one hand and a tall boy in the other. She is drinking out of both, one after the other. At 9am. Yikes.
After checking out the waves, we decided to go and lay on the beach for awhile. Honey surfed while I worked on Harry Potter (I was soooo thankful to have some quality reading time). After a while, we decided to go to Puerto Nuevo for lunch. We had some lobster and wandered around the town for a bit. Honey wanted to check the waves at K38, so we drove up there. Not much going on there, but we hung out and took some pictures (hopefully to come soon). We then took our time driving back, stopping along the way to take more pictures.
When we got back to the campsite, we decided to take a walk down to the beach. While we were sitting there watching the ocean, we saw a whole bunch of dolphins in the water. They seemed to be having playtime! They were catching waves and hopping in and out of the water and "wrestling" together. It was very cool!
After more beers and hot dogs, we decided to go back to the bar. We caught the last song of these two incredible guitar players. They were unbelievable. I wish I could've seen more of their show. Then they played some dance music. We hung out for a little while (giggling at some girl with NO RHYTHM whatsoever) before going back and calling it a night.
At about 6am, I had to go to the bathroom. I woke Honey up to go with me. While we were walking over there, we found a random $20 bill just lying on the ground! Sweet! Made my morning!
We got up and packed up our stuff (by "we" I mean Honey of course, I wasn't much use). We headed back to K38 and Honey surfed for a while, while I tackled HP once more. We went to get tacos and decided to head home. We left there at about 1:15ish...
Holy crap!!! We didn't cross the border until 5:45!! The exit to the border was blocked off and we had to go waaay out of the way and loop around. Where we sat in bumper-to-bumper, completely stopped traffic for about 4 hours. It sucked sooooo much ass, you have no idea!!
We hit a little more traffic on the way home, I didn't end up getting back to my place until after 8! Phew!
Yes, the traffic sucked, but I had a great time with my Honey. I didn't want to come back, in fact I tried to talk him into just turning around and going south. He didn't buy it...BOO!!
Also, a note for those who "squat" when using a public restroom:
It really sucks when you pee on your jeans.