Quit touching my computer with your greasy-ass finger, you dumb mother fucker!!! Idiot! GAH!
In honor of the third episode of Star Wars, the marketing gurus have created a Darth Vader helmet with a voice changer. Ahhhhhh…can my life be any better at this moment??? I doubt it.
I cried this morning. Don't worry, they were tears of joy. Just as I am finally feeling really good about my life, good fortune decided to smile down on me and make it just a little bit better. That's right...Wienerschnitzel now has Mini Chili Dogs!!
I don’t know what happened. Maybe Monday is the new Saturday? I think it is now. All I know is that a case of Coors Light and two bottles of Champagne can make for very strange happenings and conversation on a Monday night.
So my cousin sends me an email and adds the following PS:
Last week was crazy for me!! I was super busy. But I had small little things that made it a great week:
So Weenie sends me pictures of her nephew at the Wiggles concert. Seeing as how I have no kids of my own, I innocently ask her who the fuck the Wiggles are.
Last night I had dinner with my mom and my cousin. As we are leaving the restaurant, my mom starts walking over to her car. She announces to me and my cousin "I need to check the back seat and make sure that there isn't a racist in my car."
Is anyone else totally grossed out by the idea of Ms. Britney and her husband Kevin Feder-skeezy having a baby? Seriously. The two people on this earth who really should not be procreating. Ugh! Like Feder-skeezy hasn't spread enough of his trashy genes around!?!? I mean no offense to Shar "Always the Victim" Jackson, but really his other kids look like mongoloids. Is that a word? Guess what, IT IS NOW!
I really should not be let out. Let me rephrase that. I really should not be let out to consume mass quantities of beer. Because apparently, if you offend me, I will not hesitate to smack you in the face as hard as I can.
Ladies and Germs, it is official. With the passing of JP2, we have had our first official entry into this year's Death Pool (or Pool 'O Death as some like to refer to it).